President’s Message

MS-AND Member wins Mississippi Public Health Association Annual Award

Jacinda Roach, MS-AND Past President, was awarded the Mississippi Public Health Association’s (MPHA) 2018 Vonda A. Webb Nutritionist of the Year Award, an award that recognizes outstanding achievements in the area of public health nutrition. Dr. Roach works at the Mississippi Public Health Institute, as well as serves as adjunct faculty at Delta State University, University of Pheonix and Tulane University.

Pictured left to right: Kathryn Nides, MPHA 2017-2018 Nutrition Section Chair, Kim Ramsey – MPHA 2018 TaWanda Ferrill Breastfeeding Award winner, Jacinda Roach- 2018 Vonda A. Webb Nutritionist of the Year Award, Andrea Borda, MPHA 2017-2018 Nutrition Section Chair-elect.

Hunger on College and University Campuses

The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi (The Partnership) has announced the formation of The College and University Anti-Hunger Alliance of Mississippi (The Alliance).  This is an alliance of like-minded organizations, individuals and community leaders who are interested in eradicating hunger on Mississippi’s higher education campuses including community and junior colleges, colleges and universities. Recent activities of The Alliance have a tour of The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Eagle’s Nest Food Pantry to take a tour of the pantry and see the operations firsthand. Members of The Alliance assisted with the grand opening of the Tiger Food Pantry on Jackson State University’s campus. For more information, click here: The Alliance Press Release. If you would like to join The Alliance or would like more information, please contact Langston Moore, Langston Moore at 601-573-9467 (office) [email protected] (email).

Mississippi School Nutrition Association Let the Good Times Roll

Mississippi Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics members attended the 2018 Mississippi School Nutrition Association annual meeting in Natchez, MS on November 8, 2018. This year’s theme was Celebrating the Success of Child Nutrition – Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler. Events included education interest sessions, Story Board and Tray Contests, Cupcake Wars, exhibits, emporium, awards and a gala with a live jazz band. Visit for more information.

Mississippians at FNCE and PPW

There were almost 100 Mississippians at the 2018 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) in Washington D.C. Our members participated in education sessions, including MS-AND Nominating Committee Member Roxanne Kingston who moderated a session, Competency-Based Education: An Innovative Approach to Assessment with speakers Elaine Molaison, PhD, RD, Karen Smith, MS, MBA, RD, LD, FADA, and Leanne Worsfold, RPN. Many members also presented professional research posters. Click here to see pictures from FNCE. We are looking forward to the 2019 FNCE in Philadelphia, PA:

The 2018 Public Policy Workshop took place immediately after FNCE. MS-AND Public Policy Coordinator planned meetings with staff members from all of Mississippi’s senators and representatives. All of the meeting lead to helpful, insightful conversations. Click here to see pictures from the 2018 Public Policy Workshop.

Mississippi State University well represented in Washington, D.C.!

In October, Mississippi State University was well represented by undergraduates, dietetic interns, and faculty at FNCE in Washington, D.C. While sightseeing is a must in our nation’s capital, members of this group were busy attending public policy meetings, educational sessions, internship fair and poster presentations.  Nicole Reeder presented a poster on research she conducted along with Ahmed Saddam and Dr. Terezie Mosby on the Differences in Dietary Fat Composition among Young Women by Body Fat Percentage: The relationship between dietary fat composition and obesity in young females. We are so proud of the contributions this group can make to the field of dietetics, and are happy to see our students experience what dietetics holds for their future.  Undergraduate Samantha Sockwell, President of the Student Dietetic Association at MSU had this to say about her experience:

“My name is Samantha Sockwell and I am an Undergrad Nutrition student at Mississippi State University. I had the opportunity to attend FNCE (Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo) this year in Washington DC. Through this experience, my classmates and I gained insight on what is currently going on in the nutrition world and how it is influencing our career path. This was a very exciting time for us to get to learn together by attending sessions that were specifically focused on what interests we have in the nutrition field and attending many different expos to try out a variety of new products that have been perfected to meet the consumers’ wants and needs. Through the time that I got to spend at FNCE, my appreciation grew even more for the career path that I chose three years ago. I am thankful for all of the presenters that updated us on the research and products they have been working so diligently on.” 

Fall 2018 House of Delegates Meeting Recap

MS-AND Northeast District met in Tupelo

The Northeast District of MS-AND met at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo, MS on November 9, 2018. Ashley Holloway presented information about the role of nutrition in wound healing. Members also learned tips for grant writing. Contact [email protected] for information on future meetings.

MS-AND Central District met at Merit Central in Jackson

The MS-AND Central District met at Merit Central in Jackson on November 13, 2018 to hear Derek Culnan, MD, of the Joseph M. Still Burn Centers, Inc. Dr. Culnan discussed treatment of patients who have been severely burned and the role of the nutrition and registered dietitian nutritionist regarding the treatment. Contact [email protected] for information about future meetings.

November Board Member Spotlight

Brady Taylor, RDN, LD
City: Charleston
Workplace: Director of Clinical Services Nutrition Systems
Position with MS-AND Board of Directors: President-Elect

Tell us what your position is responsible for, and what you like most about it:
– As President Elect, I am responsible for a number of duties including being a voting member of the Board of Directors, assisting the President in completion of the board’s plan of work, and planning the annual conference. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of the board members at meetings and meeting many of the other association members throughout the state.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime outside of work?
– I am an avid outdoorsman and I really enjoy spending time with my family during the summers on the boat at the lake and winters in the woods or duck blind. I also have an affection for outdoor running and physical fitness.

What is your favorite place to visit in Mississippi and why?
– As a “Delta” boy, I have always had a fascination with the history of the Mississippi Delta and I enjoy visiting the small towns across the Delta that hold such a rich history of our State.

MS-AND Member Spotlight

Melinda Wells Valliant, PhD, RD, CSSD, LD
City: Oxford
Workplace: The University of Mississippi

What do you like most about your position?
– The opportunity to work with a variety of people and watch them develop over time.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime outside of work?
– Sports – participating and attending

What is your favorite place to visit in Mississippi and why?
– Tupelo because they have an awesome natatorium and my daughter is on a swim team.

Transforming Vision into Action Award
Honoring Outstanding Contributions to the Dietetics Profession

The Council on Future Practice is pleased to introduce the Transforming Vision into Action Award. This award recognizes RDNs, NDTRs and their teams whose innovative programs transform a vision into nutrition and dietetics practice and/or education with future-focused outcomes. If you have launched an innovative program or product impacting dietetics, we invite you to learn more about this award. The deadline to submit is March 1, 2019.

Academy Foundation 2019 Research Grant Applications – Opening December 14

The Foundation is happy to announce that applications for research grants will open on December 14, 2018. Research topics vary between grants and include food service, nutritional epidemiology, diabetes medical nutrition therapy, and more. This year, the Foundation will be using a new application software to provide applicants with a seamless application experience. The deadline for all applications is February 1, 2019. Please visit the Foundation’s website for more details:

Nominate for the Academy’s Highest Awards

Recognize those who have advanced the profession, exhibited leadership and shown devotion to serving others in both nutrition and dietetics, as well as allied fields, by submitting an intent to nominate by January 15, 2019 and completing the full online nomination by March 1, 2019. Award recipients will be announced in May 2019 and recognized at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ 2019 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo in Philadelphia, PA. Learn More

Academy Foundation 2019 Award Applications – Opening December 14

Through the generosity of Academy members and donors, the Foundation is pleased to offer more than 25 awards for nutrition and dietetics practitioners and students. The types of awards vary and include recognition, continuing education, program development, and international awards. Each award has its own unique criteria that recipients must meet to be eligible. This year, the Foundation will be using a new application software to provide applicants with a seamless application experience. Award applications are set to open on December 14, 2018. The deadline for all applications is February 1, 2019. Please visit the Foundation’s website for more details:

The Academy and Commission on Dietetic Registration nominating committees are pleased to report that the following candidates have been selected for the 2019 national ballot from among many excellent nominees. The committees thank you for your participation in the nomination process. The election will occur February 1 through February 15, 2019.
*Affiliation, DPGs and MIGs listed below are as of 11/13/2018.

Academy Board of Directors
Barbara Ivens, MS, RDN, FADA, FAND (MI Affiliate) (DPG: DBC, DCE, FCP, NE, PNPG, WM)
Tammy Randall, MS, RDN, LD, CDE, FAND (OH Affiliate) (DPG: DCE, PHCN)

Kathleen Niedert, MBA, RD, CSG, FADA, LNHA (IA Affiliate) (DPG: DHCC, HA, MFNS)
Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LD, CD, FAND (IN Affiliate) (DPG: DHCC, HA, NE)

Cecilia Fileti, MS, RDN, FADA, FAND (MI Affiliate) (DPG: DIFM, FCP) (MIG: LAHIDAN)
David Grotto, MS, RDN, LDN (IL Affiliate)

House of Delegates Speaker-elect
Joan Salge Blake, EdD, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND (MA Affiliate) (DPG: WM)
Lauri Wright, PhD, RDN, LDN (FL Affiliate)

House of Delegates Director
Annette Maggi, MS, RDN, LD, FAND (MN Affiliate) (DPG: FCP)
Ainsley Malone, MS, RDN, LD, CNSC, FAND (OH Affiliate) (DPG: CNM, DNS)

House of Delegates
Delegate-at-Large: Retired
Helen Lane, PhD, RDN (TX Affiliate) (DPG: HA, HEN, RDPG, SCAN, WH, WM) (MIG: COGA)
Kathleen McClusky, MS, RDN, FAND (FL Affiliate) (DPG: FCP, MFNS)

Delegate-at-Large: 30 Years of Age and Under
Anna Busenburg, RDN, CSP, CD (IN Affiliate) (DPG: PNPG, SCAN)
Camille Range, MPH, RDN (DC Affiliate) (DPG: NEHP)

Academy Nominating Committee
National Leader
Dayle Hayes, MS, RDN (MT Affiliate) (DPG: FCP, SNS)
Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN (IL Academy) (DPG: DBC, FCP, NE, VN, WM) (MIG: LAHIDAN)

National Leader in Practice for 15 Years or Less
Jamie Daugherty, PhD, RDN, CSSD (MO Affiliate) (DPG: FCP)
Julie Plasencia, PhD, RDN, LD (KY Affiliate) (DPG: DCE, RDPG) (MIG: LAHIDAN)

National Leader with Board Experience in the Past 10 Years
Judy Gilbride, PhD, RDN, CDN, FAND (NY Affiliate) (DPG: DHCC, DIFM, HA, RDPG)
Jessie Pavlinac, MS, RDN, CSR, LD (OR Affiliate) (DPG: CNM, DNS, FCP, RPG)

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Practitioner
Patricia Brathwaite, EdD, MPH, RDN, LDN, FAND (AR Affiliate) (DPG: RPG) (MIG: NOBIDAN)
Cheryl Frazier-Trusty, MS, RDN, LDN (MD Affiliate) (DPG: DHCC) (MIG: NOBIDAN)

Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
Sharon Doughten, MS, RD, LD (OH Affiliate) (DPG: FCP) (MIG: COGA)
Heidi Ganzer, DCN, RDN, CSO, LD (MN Affiliate) (DPG: CNM, ON)
Mary Herrstrom, MBA, RDN, LDN (PA Affiliate) (DPG: DHCC, FCP, HA)
Le Greta Hudson, MS, RDN, LD, CDE (MO Affiliate) (MIG: NOBIDAN)
Young Hee Kim, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, FAND (MA Affiliate) (DPG: CNM, DNS, RPG)
Valaree Williams, MS, RD, CSO, LDN, FAND (CO Affiliate) (DPG: DNS, ON)

CDR Nominating Committee Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Representative
Jeff Ketcham, MBA, RDN (IN Affiliate) (DPG: MFNS)
Aspen Perovich, MS, RD, LD (NM Affiliate)

*Note for Massachusetts and Connecticut
Young Hee Kim, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, FAND has a Connecticut address. Her affiliation is with Massachusetts

*Note for Arizona and New Mexico
Aspen Perovich, MS, RD, LD has an Arizona address. Her affiliation is with New Mexico.