Dietitian Licensure Compact
Recently, you likely received emails from the Academy about the Dietitian Licensure Compact. The Academy is joining the Department of Defense and the Council of State Governments to explore the idea of an interstate compact for registered dietitians. License models like this already exist in other areas of healthcare such as nursing. If you glossed over this the first time—don’t gloss over it again! It could be absolutely pivotal for increasing access to nutrition care from RDNs in Mississippi.
I am an outpatient dietitian with a virtual private practice. For years, I have watched potential clients get “poached” by life coaches and nutritionists that have no licensing requirements and offer a flashy online program. To ethically practice nutrition and provide MNT virtually, you have to be licensed in the state that the patient/client lives in. That is considered the location of business. This is why I and many others hold multiple state licenses, but this is also why people are seeking other avenues for nutrition care than from a RDN—its so much easier to access someone else.
The licensure laws have created a barrier in telehealth for people in rural areas, just like us in Mississippi. Considering and establishing a robust interstate compact licensure for RDNs could significantly help address Mississippi’s obesity and chronic diseases through nutrition interventions.
At a minimum, take a minute and fill out the survey if you can’t attend the information meeting August 17th or don’t want to participate in the public comment period. Consider boosting access to RDNs for Mississippians everywhere.
Central Region Update
Central Region has been working hard to plan fun events for the 2023-2024 year. Please keep an eye out on social media for our upcoming events! Our first event will be at the end of September!
Register for FNCE!
Each fall, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics sponsors the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts — registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered (NDTRs), researchers, policymakers, health care providers and industry leaders attend the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo® to address key issues affecting the health of all Americans.
This year’s educational program features exciting educational opportunities not available elsewhere. And the Expo features products and services from exhibiting companies showcasing the latest and greatest trends and offerings in food, nutrition and health.
FNCE® 2023 is in Denver — The Mile High City — with world-class attractions, natural wonders, a thriving arts scene, dozens of innovative and acclaimed restaurants and nightlife options galore!
Learn more and register to attend: eatrightFNCE.org
Stay tuned for more information on a MS-AND meet up at FNCE!
Nominations for Academy’s 2024 National Election
The Nominating Committee is seeking leaders with proven skills and vision to further the profession; self-nomination is encouraged. Nominations for president-elect, speaker-elect and treasurer-elect close September 5 and nominations for all other positions are due by October 23.