MS-AND Delegate Report
Fall HOD Meeting
The Academy House of Delegates (HOD) met virtually on September 21-22, 2021 to discuss the critical issue “How can we further transform the HOD to best meet the future needs of Academy members and the profession?”. Beforehand the members of the HOD voted on Article XV Amendments: Methods and Notice for the Academy Bylaws. Here are the results of the vote each motion:
- HOD Electronic Motion #1 Article XV Amendments: Methods
- Motion 1: 96 supported/13 opposed – motion carried
- As a result, the House of Delegates retains the authority to vote on future bylaws amendments.
- HOD Electronic Motion #2 Article XV Amendments: Notice
- Motion 2: 24 supported/76 opposed – motion rejected
- As a result, “to the Academy membership” will not be added to the bylaws.
Click here to access additional information from the September meeting.
Congratulations to Teresa Carithers
The Mississippi Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has appointed Teresa Carithers to fulfill the MS-AND Delegate Term. We are excited to work with you and continue to advance our organization!
Meet in the Middle: Breastfeeding is in the Center of it All
The Delta Health Alliance and the Delta Breastfeeding Coalition will hold a virtual conference January 26, 2022. Contact Melanie Williams ([email protected] or 662-686-3908) or use the QR code in the image to learn more.
Mississippi Schools and Child Care Centers Celebrate Farm to School this Month
October is National Farm to School Month. Schools and child care centers across Mississippi are celebrating by including locally grown produce in their meals and snacks. Farm to School Week is celebrated in Mississippi the first full week of October each year. Click here to check The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Mississippi Department of Education resources to help celebrate Farm to School activities.
The Mississippi Farm to School Network held their main event on October 5th. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith kicked off the event with a welcome and reminded the group about the variety of foods grown right here in Mississippi. Jill Moore with Square Books Jr. in Oxford followed Sen. Hyde-Smith by reading Blueberries for Sal to the audience. Then Chef Lamon Stapleton, with Monroe County School District, made apple “donuts” by cutting apple slices and topping them with a variety of spreads and fruit. Taylor Yowell and Marbury Jacobs took the group virtually around four of gardens at The Garden Farmacy: the Top Garden, the Center Garden, the Plateau Garden, and the Blueberry Patch. Participants were reminded about the virtual Mississippi Farm to Cafeteria Conference on February 8, 2022. Visit the Mississippi Farm to School Network to learn more: www.mississippifarmtoschool.org.
Volunteer for Sweet Potato Drop though the Society of St. Andrews
The Society of St Andrew is America’s oldest and largest gleaning organization with over 40 years of experience rescuing food from America’s farm fields that would otherwise be wasted. The organization has been operating in Mississippi since 2006 and has shared almost 22 million pounds of fresh, nutritious food with hungry Mississippians.
On October 30th, Society of St Andrew is partnering with North Park Mall (in Ridgeland) and a host of feeding organizations across the state to distribute 31,000 pounds of sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes will be distributed to families and individuals in the Jackson Metro via a drive thru style pickup as well as to feeding agencies who will take them back to pantries in communities all around the state for distribution. The event is taking place in conjunction with North Park Mall’s Fall Festival on October 30th from 11am-2pm. Distribution will continue while supplies last between The Eatery and B and B Theater in the parking lot of the mall.
Volunteers are needed to help beg and hand out potatoes during the event. Bagging will begin at 9:00am and the line will open for distribution at 11:00am. Those interested in volunteering can sign up at https://endhunger.org/Mississippi by clicking the volunteer calendar.
The Academy and National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Announces Joint Health Equity Initiative
Evelyn Crayton, EdD, RDN, LDN, FAND is leading a partnership with The Academy and the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. for a strategic partnership that aims to reduce health disparities for African Americans by aligning nutrition security and ministry outreach during the launch of NBCUSA’s convening of faith leaders. Mississippi’s own Jerry Young, DMin, MDiv, BS, Pastor at New Hope Baptist Church (Jackson), has been the president of the National Baptist Convention since 2014.
The joint initiative will consist of developing print and media resources that can be used in faith-based health ministries on issues such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, eating on a budget and living with kidney disease.
The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc has partners with Health Outreach and Prevention Education (H.O.P.E.), which is lead by another Mississippi leader, Rev Michael O. Minor.
Updated from CDR Regarding CPE
The Commission on Dietetic Registration has expanded the CPEU limits for activity type 175 (Recorded Pre-approved CPE) from 45 to 50 for the RD/RDN and 30 to 33 for the DTR/NDTR for all current 5-year cycles (2017- 22, 2018 – 23, 2019 – 24, 2020 – 25, 2021 – 26, 2021/22 – 2027) effective immediately. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Digital Credential
Starting September 1st, CDR provided current, valid RD®, RDN®, DTR® and NDTR®s with a digital credential to accept, display, share, and promote their industry verified and accredited accomplishment. More information on managing and sharing your digital credential can be found on CDR’s website. Printed ID cards will no longer be mailed.
Once you have accepted your credential, it is time to start celebrating your accomplishment with the world by displaying and sharing it. Use and share #RDproud, #RDNproud, #DTRproud, #NDTRproud to grow our impressions in your community of 115,000 professionals.
CDR’s Interim Executive Director
A note from Young Hee Kim, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, FAND, Chair, Commission on Dietetic Registration
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment, effective September 1, 2021, of an Interim Executive Director for the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), Sharon M. McCauley, MS, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA, FAND. Sharon is Senior Director of Strategic and Quality Management and the Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative and will oversee CDR’s day-to-day operations. Sharon has worked with CDR on developing and implementing practice competencies, which connect key performance indicators for safe practice. She directs the profession’s scope of practice, standards of practice and professional performance advancing levels for improved quality processes. For 14 years, Sharon has led the Academy’s quality nutrition and dietetics practice and its priority focus of malnutrition efforts, practitioner competence, person-centered care, safety, quality improvement, performance measurement, and quality strategies and initiatives. In this capacity, she made significant contributions to CDR’s essential practice competencies and dietetics practice audit projects. Sharon works closely with The Joint Commission and Commission on Cancer on standards development for national accreditation. Her extensive licensure, regulatory, operations management and strategic relationship building experiences provide a strong foundation for her new interim role with CDR.
Beware of Fraud/Scam
There has been increase of emails being received asking a members to transfer funds or send a check impersonating an officer. Be wary of scam emails if something looks suspicious. There is software that trolls the internet to find contact names and information in order to impersonate usually the President or Treasurer to request funds. Payment requests should have an accompanying invoice and be tied to a contract or known work for the Affiliate. Please reach out to our Executive Director, Rachel Kelleher ([email protected]) if you receive a suspicious email.
October 2021 Chair Message -A Record Year!
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation is the world’s largest provider of nutrition and dietetic scholarships at all levels of study. This year, we have awarded a record $812,950 in scholarship support to 330 dietetic interns and students for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Our Foundation’s strategic priorities include building a pipeline of talent for our profession and preparing the next generation of food and nutrition leaders. I am so proud of the impact we will have on a historic number of students this year. We could not have done this without the generous support of our donors. All of our scholarships are fully supported by donations.
Of the record $812,950 awarded in scholarships this year, $438,950 was awarded to 136 students of diverse backgrounds and cultures, representing 54% of total funding. Our Foundation is committed to ensuring that diversity, inclusion, equality and accessibility are priorities in our annual efforts. Our donors have made these efforts a priority as well, working with our Foundation to establish funds that help achieve mutual goals and make an impact with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
“Receiving a scholarship from the Foundation really helps to ease the financial burden on the road to becoming a Registered Dietitian. I am so grateful for the Foundation’s generosity towards my education so that I can focus on my studies, so that I can become the best dietitian I can possibly be!”
Moriam Dolapo Balogun
2021 General Scholarship Recipient
The Foundation’s record setting numbers included two first of their kind Advancing Diversity in Dietetics Scholarships, awarded to Academy student members Gabriela Naveda and Latina Robinson. Naveda and Robinson will each receive $25,000 for the 2021-2022 academic year, representing the largest scholarships ever awarded by the Foundation and made possible by an anonymous donor.
Please feel free to review the complete list of all of our diversity scholarships and awards page along with the Academy affiliates, dietetic practice and member interest groups that have supported these efforts.Thank you to all of our donors who made this record year happen – you have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of your fellow Academy members! With Your Help, We Can Do Even More…Donate Today!
Becky Dorner, RDN, LD, FAND
Chair, 2021-2022
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation
FNCE® Issue of Food & Nutrition Magazine®
Check out this special edition for the inside scoop on all things FNCE® 2021. Features include how to get the most out of your experience at this year’s virtual conference, a sneak peek at keynote sessions, ways to support the Academy Foundation and how to log earned CPEUs, plus delicious recipes to fuel your FNCE®, DPG/MIG membership and social events during FNCE® and much more: https://foodandnutrition.org/Current-Issue/
Seeking Applicants for NCPRO ANDHII Subcommittee
The Academy’s Nutrition Care Process Research Outcomes (NCPRO) Committee is seeking a volunteer to fill the role of outpatient/private practice setting representative for its Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Health Informatics Infrastructure (ANDHII) Subcommittee. ANDHII is a secure online data collection tool that allows dietitians and other nutrition professionals to enter de-identified information to track the nutrition care they provide to patients and clients. ANDHII uses the Nutrition Care Process and the associated terminology (NCPT) to enable structured and systematic data capture. With this information, ANDHII enables nutrition professionals to track nutrition outcomes, adding to the evidence base for nutrition practices.
The NCPRO Committee is seeking an individual who is based internationally to add a global perspective and increase awareness of ANDHII worldwide.
Individuals with knowledge of NCPT and an interest in nutrition informatics, research, quality improvement and benchmarking are strongly encouraged to apply. Visit our online application to view desired qualifications, responsibilities and benefits. Apply by December 1, 2021, for best consideration.
Learn more and apply (NCPRO website)
Desired qualifications:
- Experience with registry, benchmarking and/or quality reporting programs
- Knowledge and experience using Nutrition Care Process and NCP terminology in clinical or private practice setting
- Experience using ANDHII or other outcomes management system software
Nominations for 2022 Election
The call for nominations for the 2022 national Academy election is open. The Nominating Committee is looking for leaders with proven skills and vision to further the profession. Nominations for president-elect, speaker-elect and treasurer-elect close September 10, 2021. Nominations for all other positions are due by November 8, 2021. Please visit www.eatrightPRO.org/elections to view the positions available on the 2022 ballot and download the nominations form.
Get a Member – Get a Dues Credit
Help your colleagues make a difference in their careers and the profession by recruiting them to join the Academy with the Get a Member – Get a Dues Credit program. You will receive a dues credit toward your 2022-2023 Academy Membership dues for each qualifying recruit who enters your first and last name into the “Who referred you to join today?” section of the membership application and uses the promo code GET22. Nobody can recruit Academy members better than you!
USDA Webinar Series
The Institute of Child Nutrition* (ICN) is offer a 2-part webinar series focused on the challenges of supply chain changes for the upcoming school year. The ICN, in collaboration with the USDA, invites all Academy members to access these resources online to support current and future needs.
*The Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), part of the School of Applied Sciences at The University of Mississippi, is the only federally funded national center dedicated to applied research, education and training, and technical assistance for child nutrition programs. The Institute was established by Congress in the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 1989.
Join the Let’s Beat Breast Cancer 2021 Campaign
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States. The Let’s Beat Breast Cancer campaign aims to raise awareness on how women can reduce their risk of breast cancer through the following four components: eating a healthful diet, featuring plant-based foods; exercising regularly; limiting alcohol consumption; and aiming to maintain a healthy weight. Take the four-week challenge today and share this resource with your networks!
Revised Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance for RDNs in Nutrition Support
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN): Revised 2021 Standards of Practice (SOP) and Standards of Professional Performance (SOPP) for RDNs (Competent, Proficient, and Expert) in Nutrition Support is available free access online and in print October 2021 in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and in Nutrition in Clinical Practice. Focus Area SOP and SOPP are tools used by RDNs for self-evaluation, professional development, and advancement of practice. These Standards are beneficial to RDNs in all areas of nutrition and dietetics who provide care and services to individuals requiring nutrition support therapies. The Nutrition Support SOP SOPP includes resources such as:
- A description of the roles for RDNs in nutrition support and how RDNs can leverage their unique skillset
- Updated indicators to illustrate practice at different levels within this focus area
- Examples of RDNs in roles such as clinical practitioner in an acute care setting, clinical practitioner in home care, clinical practitioner in post-acute and long-term care, community nutrition practitioner, and others
- A new figure summarizing key tools and resources to assist practitioners in this practice area
Learn more about all the Academy’s focus area SOP and/or SOPP at www.eatright.org/sop; and access the Nutrition Support SOP and SOPP on the ASPEN website at http://www.nutritioncare.org/standards/
Quality Resource Collection: An Index of Nutrition and Dietetics Quality Resources
The redesigned and updated Quality Resource Collection is a comprehensive index of resources related to quality nutrition and dietetics practice all in one place! The collection includes resources from the Academy as well as resources related to the application of quality management in clinical, community nutrition and public health, and managerial leadership. This resource serves and supports the development of quality management knowledge as a critical component of nutrition and dietetics practice. Learn More
Updated Quality Strategies Learning Modules
Earn 1 CPEU credit by viewing the updated Quality Strategies Learning Modules. The modules educate viewers on current quality strategy trends. A two-part series provide an overview on the National Quality Strategy and discuss its impact on nutrition and dietetics. Both modules are located on the Academy’s Quality Strategies webpage here
Quality Strategies Resources Infographic
The newly revised Quality Strategies Infographic provides an overview of seven Quality Strategies resources now also highlighting “Careers in Quality.” Navigate through each of the steps to learn how to apply the Quality Strategy resources to your practice setting. Learn More
Board Spotlight
Lydia West, MPH, RDN, LD
City: Jackson, MS
Workplace: Self-employed
Position with MS-AND Board of Directors: President-Elect
Tell us what your position is responsible for, and what you like most about it:
This position serves as one year as president-elect of MS-AND, then will serve as president the following MS-AND calendar year. In this position I will be in a mentoring relationship with the MS-AND president, attend MS-AND Board of Director meetings, attend FNCE and affiliate trainings associated with FNCE, attend the president-elect training, plan the 2022 annual conference, serve on the MS-AND Public Policy Committee, review the affiliate nominating committee award applications, attend the regional meetings when possible, contribute to the monthly MS-AND newsletter, and review and implement MS-AND Board of Director files and procedures. The final responsibility of this position is to serve as past president in the year following the term of president.
What is your favorite hobby/pastime outside of work?
I enjoy being with friends and family and am hopeful that COVID-19 protocols will continue to be more flexible so that I can see more people in person. I really enjoy being outside in the yard, or on the water, or just hanging out. A lot of my work focuses on culinary nutrition, so I also really enjoy being in the kitchen and furthering my culinary knowledge.
What is your favorite place to visit in Mississippi and why?
I am so fortunate that many of my professional responsibilities allow me to travel around our state. Although we are a small state, Mississippi is full of great places to visit and learn more about the culture and the history of our place. Please reach out to me about where you are – I’d love to stop by for a visit next time I’m in your area!