President’s Message
Happy fall y’all!
I hope that you are all doing well. It has been such a busy couple of months for MS-AND. The MS-AND board has been very busy.
In October, MS-AND had a great representation at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) in Orlando, FL. The sessions were great, and we had the first Mississippi meetup at FNCE in several years. There are pictures below.
MS-AND Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Committee has some great plans in the work. Make sure you look for events to come and more information on our social media pages. Follow MS-AND on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the handle @eatrighMS.
Two of our regions had meet ups recently. The Gulf Coast Region met at Seagrapes Wine Café in Gulfport on October 13 and Southern Prohibition on October 20. The Central Region met at Fertile Ground on November 10. There are pictures from the events below. There will be Northwest Region and Delta Region in the coming months.
Members of MS-AND attended the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Virtual State Advocacy Summit on November 9th and 10th. We got several great ideas and will start to implement those over the coming months. Look for information you can use to contact your state senators and representatives this fall as a way to introduce yourself before the legislative session starts in January. Also, we plan to have an advocacy training early in 2023 plus a Capitol Day in March. We hope you can join us for those events.
The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health took place on September 28th. I hope that you were able to tune into that. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics had significant input into the topics that were discussed. The work has just begun. There are five pillars of focus:
- Pillar 1: Improve Food Access and Affordability
- Pillar 2: Integrate Nutrition and Health
- Pillar 3: Empower All Consumers to Make and Have Access to Healthy Choices
- Pillar 4: Support Physical Activity for All
- Pillar 5: Enhance Nutrition and Food Security Research
Please learn more here: https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/white-house-conference-hunger-nutrition-and-health.
Thank you for all that you do for our profession and your community.
Lydia West, MPH, RDN, LD, SNS, President
Mississippi Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Call for Speakers! 2023 MS-AND Annual Conference
Submit A Nomination!
Nominations are open for the MS-AND 2023-2024 Board of Directors. We are seeking nominations for:
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer-Elect
- Nominating Committee Member
- Professional Development Chair-Elect
- Delegate
Click the button below to nominate yourself or someone else today! Questions can be directed to [email protected].
Seeking Reviewers – 2023 MS-AND Diet Manual
Hello to all!
My name is Jenna Moore. I currently serve as the 2022-23 MS-AND Diet Manual Manager. I’m seeking reviewers for the content of the following sections with each subsection listed under it.
Chapter 2: Diets with Texture Modifications
Clear Liquid or Surgical Liquid Diet; Full Liquid Diet; Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy Diet; Wired Jaw Diet; Pureed Diet; Dental/Mechanical Soft Diet; Soft Diet; Dysphagia Diet – Levels 1, 2, & 3
Chapter 3: Diets with Calorie Modifications
Diet for the Patient with Cancer; Diet for the Patient with HIV/AIDS; Eating Disorders Nutrition Therapy; Weight Reduction Diet
Chapter 6: Diets with Protein Modifications
Diet for Hepatitis; Diet for Cirrhosis without Encephalopathy; Diet for Hepatic Encephalopathy; Daily Dietary Guidelines for Adults with Renal Disease; Acute Renal Failure Diet; Chronic Kidney Disease; Food Guide for People with Chronic Kidney Disease; Food Guide for People on Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis; Food Choices for Renal Diets; Pediatric Renal Patients; Daily Nutrients and Fluid Requirements for the Child with CKD; Phosphorus, Calcium and Vitamin D in Renal Disease; High Phosphorus Foods; Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation in Renal Failure; Fiber; Urea Kinetic Modeling; Vegetarians and Renal Disease; Chronic Renal Failure in People with Diabetes; Nephrotic Syndrome; Nephrolithiasis; Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition; Intraperitoneal Nutrition; Eating Out with Renal Disease; Brown Bag Meal Ideas; Nutrition Education Materials, Cookbook and Supplement Information
Chapter 7: Diets with Pediatric Modifications
Casein-Free Diet, Egg-Free Diet; Nutritional Management of Spina Bifida; Nutritional Management of Cerebral Palsy; Nutritional Management of Cystic Fibrosis; Nutritional Management of Galactosemia; Lactose-Free / Galactose-Free Diet; Nutritional Management of Hereditary Fructose Intolerance; Sucrose and Fructose-Free Diet; Nutritional Management of PKU; Nutritional Management of Prader Willi Syndrome; Appendix A – Resource Information; Appendix B – Medical Foods for Genetic Conditions
Let me know which section that you would be willing to review. I’ll send the corresponding section to you in Microsoft Word format via e-mail. Please place any additions/suggestions in red text and deletions in a crossed-out format, so I’ll know what has been changed. The changes will need to be back to me no later than March 1, 2023. There is a limit of two reviewers per section. A stipend will be provided for each reviewer.
Thank you so much for your help in advance. I look forward to receiving your input.
Jenna Moore, MS, RD, LD
2022-23 MS-AND Diet Manual Manager
[email protected]
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
Since the 1990s, November has been recognized as Native American Heritage Month in the United States. November provides many opportunities to learn about and celebrate Native Americans and Indigenous peoples throughout the centuries. Visit https://www.eatright.org/health/lifestyle/culture-and-traditions/celebrate-native-american-heritage-month to learn more about Native American culture, traditions and ways of eating. There are also many great resources on this site.
Free CPEs on Health Literacy
The Mississippi Public Health Institute and the Florida Rural Health Association have partnered to provide free trainings on health literacy. Please click https://srahec.org/health-literacy/ for more information.
These have not been approved by the Commission on Dietetics Registration, but the courses fit many registered dietitians learning plan code for the Professional Development Portfolio. Therefore, if you take the quiz, you can record the activity in your Activity Log.
Hops into Holidays
The Central region had a great turnout on Thursday, November 10, 2022 for their “Hops into Holidays” Meet and Greet. Dietitians and even a couple of Dietetic Interns from around the metro area met up for food, fun and fellowship. It was a great time!
Gulf Coast Region Updates
The Gulf Coast Region of MS-AND had two great meetups at Seagrapes Wine Café in Gulfport on October 13 and Southern Prohibition on October 20!
Gulf Coast RDNs and Dietetic Interns at Seagrapes in Gulfport
RDNs from around the Hattiesburg area at Southern Prohibition in Hattiesburg
Central Region Updates
Central Region RDNs and Dietetic Interns met at Fertile Ground Brewery on November 10
University of Mississippi Student Dietetic Association
The University of Mississippi Student Dietetic Association held their last meeting on the semester this month! If you are interested in speaking to the SDA or becoming involved, email [email protected].
Help get the PUMP Act Passed
The PUMP act will help more breastfeeding women receive breaktime from work as well as a private place to breastfeed or pump. Senator Roger Wicker is the highest-ranking Republican on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee which has some jurisdiction over the PUMP Act. It’s not clear where he stands on PUMP so we need to help him become a PUMP Act supporter. The key message to Sen. Wicker is: “Nursing mothers in Mississippi and across the country need your help so they can provide breast milk for their babies. Please support the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act.”
- Mississippi constituents please call Senator Wicker’s offices and leave a message with the front desk or ask to speak to the staffer who works on the bill. Each constituent should call the DC office, and also as many district offices as possible.
- DC Office: 202-224-6253
- Gulfport Office: 228-871-7017
- Hernando Office: 662-429-1002
- Jackson Office: 601-965-4644
- Tupelo Office: 662-844-5010
Tag Senator Wicker (@SenatorWicker) on social media and use the hashtag #PassPUMPAct
- Share the call to action on Facebook
- Share the call to action on Twitter
- Share the call to action on Instagram
Academy Updates
It is Time to Take Action
Please visit https://www.eatrightpro.org/advocacy/take-action/action-center to fill out Action Alerts on:
- Preventing Medicare Payment Cuts to RDNs
- Appropriations for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act which would address nutrition security for children
- Child Nutrition Reauthorization
- Health Equity and Accountability Act
- PUMP Act
- Increase Access to Lactation Services and Supplies
- School Food Service Monderization Act
- Treat and Reduce Obesity Act
- Expand Medicare MNT Coverage
If you can’t remember if you filled out any of these Action Alerts, then it is time to do it again!
Employee Retention Tax Credit
Do you own a business with 5-500 W-2 employees? If so, you may credit for the Employee Retention Tax Credit. Please see the image for more information and contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Make It a Million Scholarship Campaign – Raising $1M to Give $1M!
Support the Academy Foundation’s Make It a Million Scholarship Campaign to raise $1 million over the next three years to help build Foundation resources and enable us to award $1 million in scholarships annually! Donate today and visit the Campaign webpage to download social media graphics to encourage your colleagues to give as well. #MakeIt1Million
Academy Moves to Next Phase of Licensure Compact Exploration
Following last month’s kickoff led by the Council of State Governments and its National Center for Interstate Compacts, the Academy continues the process of assessing and developing recommendations for a potential new interstate professional licensure compact for registered dietitian nutritionists. Read more and view the recording of the webinar here.
Member Input Opportunity on Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims; Definition of Term ‘‘Healthy’’
The Academy has been continuously involved and engaged in the Food and Drug Administration’s process of defining the term “healthy,” from speaking at the agency’s open meeting and submitting formal comments in 2017 to providing input about the use of a symbol for products to designate they meet the definition. In response to FDA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ recently released proposed rule, the Academy is working with dietetic practice group members to provide comments to contribute to modernizing the definition to be in accord with changes in nutrition science and consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. To submit comments for inclusion in the Academy’s response, please connect with your dietetic practice group’s policy and advocacy leader by Monday, November 21.
Take Action Today to Stop Medicare Payment Cuts for RDNs
RDNs are facing a nearly 8.5% cut in their Medicare Part B Payments. Set to take effect on January 1, 2023, the payment reduction is a combination of two separate cuts:
- 4.42% cut created by a Medicare budget neutrality rule that requires Medicare to offset any increases it makes in the payment rates to any codes
- 4% “PAYGO” cut triggered by spending in the American Rescue Act COVID-19 relief legislation
U.S. Reps. Bera (Calif.) and Bucshon (Ind.) are leading an effort to stabilize Medicare payments and enact long-term changes to Medicare rules that prevent any more large, arbitrary cuts from happening in the future. Introduced by both representatives, the Academy is championing the Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022 (H.R. 8800) to address the 4.42% cut.
Take action today and urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 8800 to stop cuts to Medicare payment rates.
Policy leaders: copy and paste the above messaging and share with your networks. If sharing with non Academy members, please use this link for the action alert.
Join the Academy’s Affinity Groups
Get involved and connect with fellow Academy members to advocate for top policy priorities impacting our profession. The Academy’s affinity groups meet once a month and are a forum-based event where staff, policy leaders and members discuss Academy advocacy priorities and strategies, share their experience and determine how they can become involved in advocating. Learn more and register here. These meetings are available to Academy members only.
Due to changes within the Academy’s D.C. office and scheduling conflicts with the winter holidays, the next Health Equity and Diversity Affinity Group meeting will be held in January. The Legislative and Public Policy Committee will be using this time to review the meeting structure and would appreciate feedback and ideas of how to make the group more effective in advocating for health equity and diversity issues. More details about upcoming meetings will be shared in future issues of this newsletter. Academy members who participated in the Health Equity and Diversity Affinity Group meetings are encouraged to add their support by joining one of the Academy’s other affinity groups: Nutrition Security; Dietary Guidelines; Maternal and Child Health; MNT Expansion; and Licensure Initiatives. Submit your ideas for the group to [email protected].