News & Articles
October 2021 Newsletter
MS-AND Delegate Report Fall HOD Meeting The Academy House of Delegates (HOD) met virtually on September 21-22, 2021 to discuss the critical issue “How can we further transform the HOD to best meet the future needs of Academy members and the profession?”. Beforehand...
September 2021 Newsletter
President-Elect Letter Happy September everyone, I hope that you are all doing well. The month of September is Hunger Action Month, and the Academy puts a spotlight on Malnutrition this month as well. Check out this website:...
August 2021 Newsletter
President's Message It’s August in Mississippi and school is back in full swing, so this is a perfect time to highlight that August is Kids Eat Right Month™ at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Kids Eat Right Month™ emphasizes important programs, focusing on...
July 2021 Newsletter
President's Message Greetings MS-AND Members- This upcoming month the MSAND Board will focus on getting our Affiliate Regions off the ground and rolling. If you will remember, MS-AND voted to transition our Districts to Regions back in the Spring of 2018. At that...
June 2021 Newsletter
President's Message Greetings MS-AND Members, It is an honor to serve as your President for the 2021-2022 year. There are many exciting things happening with MS-AND this year, so I wanted to take the time to discuss a few things that I plan to focus on for my...
May 2021 Newsletter
President's Message It’s May and as with every year, May means the end of another MS-AND year. When I think back on the last 12 months, wow, we've been through it haven’t we? We’ve had to be flexible, learn to pivot, learn to show grace, learn to accept grace, find...
Sports Nutrition Volunteer Program
Before, during, and after practice and game time, University of Mississippi athletes rely on sports nutrition staff to keep them properly fueled and hydrated to maximize their performance. Behind the scenes, members of the Sports Nutrition Volunteer Program make sure...
April 2021 Newsletter
Thank you to our Generous Sponsors! The 2021 MS-AND Annual Conference was a HUGE success and I could not have pulled it off without the help of a few amazing people. A big THANK YOU to my Speaker Committee: Brady Taylor, Jacinda Roach, Keba Laird and Rebecca Turner,...
March 2021 Newsletter
President's Message It’s Annual Conference time!! We are excited about 2 mornings PACKED with great speakers and even better education. In the next section of the newsletter you’ll find the agenda and link to sign up. Go ahead, sign up now! We’d love to have you....
February 2021 Newsletter
President's Message Happy February! What a winter, huh? I hope all of you have been able to adjust after our ice-storm week. It was so fun seeing the pictures of some of you with your family and friends in the snow. One thing’s for sure, we made some memories! March...